List-unsubscribe in

List-unsubscribe in

This article will help you to understand list-unsubscribe in

Whether you are using SMTP Relay, HTTP API, or the User Interface, you can add an unsubscribe link to your emails.

Unsubscribe links are generally required in all emails. You to add and customize your own unsubscribe link.


Unsubscribe in

You can access the unsubscribe option in the setting of your account. Locate them in the Setting-----> Unsubscribe option on your dashboard.


- List-Unsubscribe


This will help you in enabling or disabling the List-Unsubscribe header. When you enable it, a header will be formatted into your emails which allows users to unsubscribe without having to open the email.

This helps in reducing complaints. It is recommended to use this header for promotional emails.


- Manage Subscriptions


This option allows contacts to choose which lists they want to subscribe to. You can choose which lists you want to remain active. This video will help you out.


- Subscribed Lists Only

This option will help you in tydying up your unsubscribe form in case you have multiple lists that your contacts can subscribe to your emails. With it ticked, your recipients will see only the options to unsubscribe from lists that they actually subscribe to, others are hidden.


- Transactional Unsubscribe

When selected this enables the option for contacts to opt into a transactional email only instead of unsubscribing from all of your emails.

To send to contacts that have opted into a transactional email only, you must:


      HTTP API - Pass the parameter "isTransactional = true",

      SMTP Relay - Add a header "IsTransactional" with the value of "True". will automatically suppress marketing emails to any contacts that have opted into a transactional email only.


Allow your contacts to opt-in or out of tracking events such as open and clicks the unsubscribe page.


This field will accept a URL to an image of your logo. The logo will be reflected on the unsubscribe page.


- Unsubscribe Notifications

When this is enabled, a notification email is sent to the specified contact whenever a contact unsubscribes.

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