How to manage a landing page

How to manage a landing page

A landing page is a simple destination page that your recipient lands on when they decide to interact with your newsletters by clicking links or ads. You can find the landing page option in the Templates section of your dashboard.

Creating a landing page

In order to start working on a new landing page, just navigate to Create > Landing page from the Templates screen.

All changes made in the editor are saved automatically.

Landing Page

1. Navigation buttons - They allow to undo and redo any changes made to the landing page. Move between previous and next action taken with ease.

2. Tag - Here you can assign a tag to your landing page. Tags can be later managed on the Templates screen when you are finished with the editor.

3. Mobile view - Our editor is highly reactive, here it can show you in real-time how your landing page will look on a mobile device

4. Grid - This button turns on the visual grid that shows boundaries of all elements of the landing page

5: Options > Publish - Clicking this button will show a pop-up window with a link to your landing page ready to be published anywhere you wish.

Options > Download HTML - Gives you the ability to download an HTML version of your landing page for personal use and export purposes.

Options > Preview - Preview your landing page and how it will look when published in the current state. Here you can also switch between mobile and desktop views.

On the right there are blocks you can use to design your perfect landing page. You can create and separate text, images, buttons and social media icons with them. Clicking the bottom-right corner of each block will present you with their different configurations.

Additionally, you can add one of your double opt-in web forms, if there are some previously created on your account. If not, just go to the Forms page and design one.

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